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Tumblr post, use text post
Tumblr posts are sent to wordpress automatically via IFTTT. It’s preferable to use the text post for all posts to format correctly for wordpress
- Log in to Tumblr
- In Tumblr click add text
- Type title and some short content text.
- Click + icon to add an image at any position in the text.
- Post. (in Tumblr)
- It may take several minutes to appear in wordpress.
Image size and format
Ideally this is what to pay attention to when checking or preparing the size of an image before upload.
- Aspect ratio for images is 86:45
- Minimum recommended pixels (for slider on homepage) is width 860 pixels x 450 pixels
- Maximum recommended pixels is 1720 x 900 pixels. (Ideal for retina screens)
- Images smaller than minimum can be used and should follow the aspect ratio.
Editing images using Pixlr
- Visit (like a basic photoshop app you can use online)
- Upload image from computer
- Click on image in the top bar.
- Check your image is within the recommended width between 860px to 1720px
- If it is over 1720px wide scale it down and if not, simply press cancel
- Next click on the Crop tool, top left
- Change contstraint from no restrictions to aspect ratio
- Input 86:45 as aspect ratio
- Now click and drag over the image to select the area you want to crop.
- Click enter on your keyboard to crop
- Click file > save and give it a meaningful title, saving it back to your computer.
- It’s now ready to upload to wordpress.
Option. If your colours aren’t working or you want to push more yellow into the image you could try some of the adjustments under colour balance and colour vibrance before you save the image.
Make post (image and title) appear in slider on home page
- Edit post
- Portfolio Post Theme Options, tick
Make post (image, title and excerpt) appear on home page (under slider)
- Quick Edit post
- Select Make this post sticky
- Total of two sticky posts on homepage, so choose another sticky post to un-tick to maintain 2 sticky posts
No feature image at top of single post page
The feature image appears automatically at the top of the post on a single post page. If you wish to use an alternative image (on single post) or position image/s elsewhere in the text select this format. The feature image will still appear in the list of posts just not at the top of the single post on its own.
- Edit post
- Format, select Image
Add images in any position inside the text on a single post or page
- Click in text where you would like image to appear
- Add Media button
- Select Image
- Attachment Display Settings. Select alignment and size.
- Insert into Page Button
Edit text under post, after post categories, before comments, in grey box
Currently this panel is a “call to action” that is to encourage visitor to contact you to write for them.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets
- Open Post Footer Widgets
- Edit, add or remove and save
Show post excerpt rather than full content when viewing a list of posts.
- Edit post
- Choose position in text to insert read more link
- Click dotted line icon to insert read more code <!–more–>
Override post excerpt on homepage for sticky posts.
- Edit sticky post
- Open excerpt panel (may be under screen options top right, tick)
- Write text. Ideally keep text short enough so panels on home page stay the same size. Longer lines of text will make the panels taller.
Add link to Blogroll for Links page
- In wordpress admin go to Appearance > Menus
- Select menu to edit “Blogroll”
- Click on links, and add your http:// link and the title.
- Click add to menu
- Drag the menu item to a new position if required.
- Click update.
End of help